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Friday, July 23, 2010

One Amazing Day - Be a Part of It!

Tomorrow, each of us has the opportunity to participate in something unique and quite special.  On July 24th, Hollywood producer Ridley Scott and director Kevin Macdonald are challenging the entire world to reveal their lives for the documentary project YouTube Life in a Day.  A quote from the site:

I want you to chronicle your world, your life, your neighborhood on a single day.  You could shoot the  journey you take to work, the visit you make to your son, your mother, your grandmother. Ultimately, this is a unique experiment in social filmmaking, and a time capsule that will forever tell future generations what it was like to be alive on July 24,  2010.

Kevin Macdonald has posed four questions to the world:  "What do you love?", "What do you fear?", "What makes you laugh?", and "What's in your pocket?"  These are questions of the sublime and the mundane, and they are the questions of us all.  We all love, laugh, fear, and walk through life picking up the souvenirs of living on the way.  We see the tiny triumphs of everyday, and the tragedies that scar a nation.  As a teacher, I have seen how moments can bind together children who might otherwise never receive the gift of each other.  I have watched the world around me sprout wings and fly, falter and fall, scream and cry and sing; and I have done all of these things side by side with 6 billion others who have done the same.  How much we all have to say, if only we could truly hear each other.  
So pull out your cameras and get ready!  You have 24 hours to make the everyday amazing. Moms, dads, get your children to do the filming.  Children of the digital age, help everyone who wants to participate to make it happen. This day is a moment for digital natives and digital immigrants (Prensky, 2001) to speak the same language, and to be a part of the change.  Cameras up . . .

Works Cited:
Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants: part 1. On the Horizon, 9(5), 1-6.  

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